How to settle the bullish dealer

[China Glass Network] To do business, it will inevitably encounter some bullish and more difficult dealers, which makes many salesmen have headaches. Some salesmen will complain that they are not lucky, and some complain that the company policy is not enough. More salesmen just want to be mad and work with each other. But complaining and anger are useless. We need to find a way to solve the problem without negative effects, and to settle these bullish dealers.

The reason for the dealer's bullishness

As the saying goes: "Know yourself and know each other, no wars." To deal with these bullish dealers, you must first understand the reasons for their cattle, only to get their veins, can you prescribe the right medicine. Based on my more than ten years of channel customer work experience, some dealers are bullish, mainly for the following reasons:

First, the sales volume is large. Such dealers rely on their own sales and contribute a lot to the manufacturers. They think that they have the capital to talk to the manufacturers, so they will be bullish. These dealers know that salesmen are more afraid of lower sales and affect their own performance. Therefore, they use sales as a bargaining chip to blatantly raise various conditions and force manufacturers to submit.

Second, the influence is great. Such dealers are dominant in the industry or in the agency system of a certain brand. Their every move will affect the entire marketing situation, and their remarks will have a greater impact on other dealers. Therefore, these dealers will be sought after by other dealers and commissioned to talk to manufacturers about various conditions.

The third is strong ability. After a long period of exchanges and cooperation, some dealers believe that some of their concepts and abilities have exceeded the manufacturers, and therefore look down on the manufacturers and think that they are stronger than the manufacturers, so they will be bullish.

All in all, bullish dealers have a variety of reasons. As a manufacturer's business personnel, when managing dealers, they should first take their pulse and prescribe the right medicine to achieve our stated goals, but not for a moment.

Good psychological preparation is the foundation

There are many ways to deal with bullish dealers, but it is more important to be more basic. It is to have a good psychological foundation and to maintain a good mentality. The more you worry, the more problems will arise, and the dealers will seize the psychological and business conditions of the business people. Therefore, as a business person, the first thing to solve is his own psychological problems. You must not be afraid of problems. Because you can't avoid problems, you can't solve problems. You must face it and accept it. In other words, in front of the dealers, you are afraid, worried, and now not afraid, this will firstly hit the arrogance of the bull dealers, and lay a psychological foundation for solving the problem.

The distributors in Z province are the larger and more qualified dealers of our company in the country. The dealers are very smart. In July of last year, our salesman made five calls to the customer within half a day, but he didn't pick up one of them. Later, the salesman found me and told me the situation very depressed. After analysis, we think that the customer is deliberately not answering the phone, but we really have important things to talk about.

From the helpless expression on the salesman's face, I can see that he rarely experienced such a situation before, so I suggested that he send a short message to the customer, through the text message to indicate the meaning of the later wanted: there are important things to find you, please Call back as soon as possible, if you don't return, you will be fine. The salesman is very worried when he hears this method. He is afraid that this will make him unhappy with the customer, and he is worried that the customer will not order, which will affect the sales performance.

In order to solve the problem, I helped the salesman to analyze: the reason why the dealer is bullish is to give him the mentality. Since it is our larger and more qualified customer, the profit that our products create for him must be very impressive. We are worried that customers will not purchase the goods, and the customers will certainly worry that we will cancel his agent qualification. This is the psychological problem. How to treat it.

From the current situation analysis, the tens of thousands of profit generated by our products every month is very considerable, and after so many years of market cultivation, the profit per month is very stable, customers will not easily give up Agency. In order to solve the worries of the salesman, I also told him that if it affects the sales performance, I am responsible.

After listening to my analysis, our salesman sent a message to the dealer, the result was less than half an hour (the dealer has to take care of the feelings, consider the phone for a while, it is normal) the customer's phone comes It is. We communicated what we were talking about and talked about his not taking the phone to avoid similar problems in the future. It has been more than a year now, and there have been no similar incidents.

Therefore, to deal with bullish dealers, relying on the front is whether the psychological problems of the business personnel themselves have been resolved, and whether they are prepared to face everything calmly.

Positive communication, striving for initiative

Although psychological preparations are made, it is also essential to have a positive confrontation with the customer, because this can really solve the problem. Of course, our aim is not to argue, nor to force our customers to accept what we have proposed, but to negotiate what we deserve. Therefore, it is very important to conduct confrontation in any way. We must strengthen our position and consider it from a global perspective, so as to control the development direction of the whole incident. The main thing is to understand each other’s requirements and the bottom line, and to ask for specific situations or Give in time.

The dealers in S province are our larger customers in the local area. For some time, he was dissatisfied with the rebate policy, and the sales volume dropped very badly. Because we did not have a better choice in a short time, we could only communicate with him positively. Although this customer's face is very low-key, but the attitude is very strong, insisting that our multiple shortcomings caused his loss, I hope we can make up for him and support. In this regard, after we communicated with him patiently, it was learned that his real purpose was simply to continue to enjoy the rebate policy standards of last year. On the basis of fully understanding his bottom line requirements, we conducted a comparative analysis and found a solution acceptable to both parties, successfully solved the problem and reached the sales target.

Be honest and treat each other with practical work

Usually, a dealer will operate several brands at the same time. Their attitudes and methods will be very different from those of different manufacturers. Therefore, it is very important to win the recognition and respect of dealers. In fact, most dealers are still very reasonable, but for various reasons, they will be unhappy with the manufacturers. At this time, the business personnel will play the role of a bridge between manufacturers and dealers to deal with and coordinate the problems. . At this time, honesty is very important. Treat dealers with sincerity, let them feel the sincerity of the manufacturers and the trust and recognition of the manufacturers, so that they can face the problems calmly, frankly communicate with the manufacturers, and reach an agreement. ,Solve the problem.

For example, it is still the larger distributor in the province of Z. When we changed the regional manager, he didn’t “cold”. He thought that it’s just for personal change. The salesman is like that, every day, he doesn’t even have a day. Taking care of our salesman, our salesman is very depressed. I suggest that the salesman should not be too concerned and concentrate on doing things. Later, at a large conference, because the customer was busy with other things, it was difficult to get out of the way, let our salesman go. As a result, the meeting achieved good results under the efforts of the salesman. The dealer has since looked at the salesman, not only to eat and drink, but also to be willing to communicate with him, and now they have become very good friends.

When the action is made, the shot will be shot.

Of course, not everything can be smooth sailing, and some bullish dealers are "when you are in the wind and rain, I just don't move." Dealing with such dealers, when there are still no effects after various efforts, we must take the shots and act decisively.

Our dealers in H province have done their own sales and think that without him, the market will not have the current results, so we will fight with our hearts, not only do not implement the work, but also find various excuses and reasons to "grind the foreign workers", Thus lost many market opportunities. We have communicated with him many times and made a lot of efforts. It is still difficult to change his attitude. Later, we decided to take practical actions and put pressure on him. Therefore, we divided the products into two categories, only to leave some product resources for him, and another product to re-develop customers, he complained more, but also saw the strength and determination of the manufacturers. After communicating again, he finally realized the problem and changed the attitude of cooperation.

There will be various situations in the market, and business people may face various difficulties and problems, but as long as we have a strong psychological foundation, maintain a positive working attitude, and treat every thing seriously and responsibly, then the bullish dealers will also We look at us to win their recognition and achieve our goals.