What should I do if my hands and feet are cold in winter?

Some people on the Internet have said that people with cold hands and feet are prone to cancer, which is really shocking! Is it true that netizens are worried about people, or do they really have this? The answer of TCM experts is that in most cases, there will be no cancer. Only those who have cold hands and feet and always feel tired should be alert to the advent of cancer.

The expert's answer made people feel reassured, but think about it, why do people don't have cold hands and feet in winter, but they will have cold hands and feet? Will cold hands and feet be harmful to the body in winter? If there is any harm, how can you let your hands and feet ask for the adjective "cool"?

Why are the hands and feet cold in winter?

It is understood that cold hands and feet have a great relationship with the blood vessels of the heart, because the blood is emitted by the heart, carrying oxygen to all parts of the body, after the oxygen is burned, heat can be generated, and the hands and feet will be warm. Once the function of the cardiovascular system is impaired, it will affect the blood transport and cause cold hands and feet.

From the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine, the hands and feet are easy to be cold and numb, and it is mostly a problem of qi and blood. Because of the qi deficiency and blood deficiency, the blood runs poorly and the blood volume is insufficient.

What harm does winter hand and foot ice have to the body?

The sole of the foot is the end of the blood circulation of the human body. If the blood gas is insufficient, the place where the supply shortage first occurs and the circulation is stagnant is of course here. Insufficient blood gas, the resilience is insufficient, and the cold is easy to take the opportunity to invade, leading to illness.

For women, cold hands and feet can lead to women with less menstruation, irregular menstruation, and even infertility; women in the special physiological period such as menstruation, pregnancy and childbirth, due to physical weakness, it is more likely to cause cold hands and feet. If you do not prevent it in time, it will lead to mental distress and chills. Cold hands and feet can cause frostbite in your hands and feet during the winter. In addition, it is related to diseases such as rheumatism and stomach diseases.

In winter, the hands and feet are cold and it is difficult to fall asleep at night, which will affect the quality of sleep and affect the mental state of the next day.

Who is prone to cold hands and feet?

The five types of susceptible hands and feet are cold. The first category: women who are too thin and have a thin body and a debilitating body are most likely to have cold hands and feet. Because this type of person has poor blood circulation at the periphery, it is easy to make the mechanism of body temperature regulation disorder. The coldness of the hands and feet is caused by the unregulated regulation of autonomic nerve function and the thinning of blood vessels. Moreover, the toes, knees, shoulders, and fingers are part of the joint area where the movement is relatively high, because the fat and blood vessels are relatively small, and the heat is easily lost.

The second category: hypoglycemia or hypotension food is a very important source of calories in the body. If you lose too much weight, go hungry, and let your blood sugar be too low, you will have cold hands and feet. When the blood pressure is low, the blood circulation will be poor. When the body is weak and the body is weak, the blood pressure is easily lowered, and the hands and feet are cold.

The third category: excessive pressure because of the stress of work or the pressure of time forced, will make your hands and feet chill and tremble, as long as this tension period, will slowly return to warmth.

The fourth category: clothing is not enough to keep warm if the hands and feet are cold, indicating that the average temperature of the deployment is problematic, if you have worn a few more clothes, but the hands and feet have not recovered warm, it should be noted. Because many of the human body's temperature-sensing nerve receptors are "cold spots", they are too slow to feel cold.

The fifth category: cold weather or long time to stay in the air-conditioned room. Some people who need to work in the air in the wild or in the cold room, because the body is often at low temperatures, the blood circulation is not smooth, it is easy to cold hands and feet. These people need to drink more warm food.

What should I do if my hands and feet are cold in winter?

Hand and foot cold care program insists that bathing feet every day is the most effective method. Add about 40 degrees of hot water to the deeper basin to allow the water to flow over the ankle. Soak for about 20 minutes, you will feel the whole body fever, which means that the body begins to heat up after the blood circulation is smooth. If you rub your feet while you are soaking your feet, the effect will be better.

Persevere in aerobics jogging, brisk walking, skipping rope, dancing disco, tai chi, etc., will make all parts of the body move and promote blood circulation, but not excessive exercise, high-intensity exercise, a lot of sweating, will " Venting yang, plays the opposite role.

Wearing cotton socks to keep warm cotton socks is not only soft and comfortable, but also absorbs sweat, so that your feet can be kept dry and comfortable all day long, and can withstand the cold outside.

Ensure adequate sleep at least 6 hours of sleep every day, adequate sleep is conducive to the storage of yang, accumulation of yin and enhance resistance.

Adhere to the massage points, when you have time, you can often rub your hands and feet to improve the microcirculation of the terminal blood vessels, and have the effect of warm hands and feet, or massage acupuncture points, can also improve the symptoms of cold hands and feet.

揉搓涌泉穴: Yongquan Point is located in the center of the foot, and it is quickly rubbed with the palm of your hand until it has a good sense of heat. Every morning and evening, there are 100 swells in the spring, and then the toes are 100. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that many meridians of the human body are collected in the soles of the feet, which are closely related to the organs, tissues and organs of the whole body. Especially to stimulate the Yongquan point, it is beneficial to kidney and impotence, strong bones and strong bones. Insist on this point will promote the cooling of hands and feet.

揉搓劳宫穴: Laogong is located in the palm of the hand. Make a fist in one hand and rub the palm of the other hand until you feel the palms are slightly hot, then change the other hand and alternate.

According to the sputum rushing point: the qi rushing point is located on the inside of the thigh root, and there is an artery below the point. First press the sputum to rush the point, then press the iliac artery, one by one and press it alternately. It is better to press the squat to the hot and cold flow of the legs and feet.

Press 揉, tap the Shenshu point: Shenshu points are located on both sides of the waist, gently force, each side beat more than 100 times.

What is good for cold hands and feet?

Dietary strategies help you to improve your hands and feet. Cold symptoms. Feeling cold and cold is not necessarily a doctor. You don't have to take medicine. The delicious food can also help us to improve the symptoms of cold hands and feet. "It is a three-point drug," you don't have to worry about diet. Many foods in daily life are very helpful for the conditioning of our body, so you may wish to give it a try.

Eating more nicotinic acid-containing food niacin is helpful for stabilizing the nervous system and circulatory system. It can also improve nervous tension, tension diarrhea, dermatitis, and expand the peripheral blood vessels. It can improve the coldness of hands and feet. Will the face be red and hot?

Where is nicotinic acid? Nicotinic acid in animal liver, egg, milk, cheese, brown rice, whole wheat products, chia, eat nuts, carrots can be supplemented by daily food, so that the body warm, such as nuts, walnuts, sesame, pine nuts, etc.; vegetables Amaranth, carrot, kale, spinach, etc.; fruit apricot, peach, papaya, etc., are the best choice for diet, other such as beef, lamb, seafood, Sishen, glutinous rice, brown rice, soybeans, tofu, sesame , brown sugar ..., are all warm food, is the choice of ingredients for people with cold hands and feet.

Cultivate spicy spices such as pepper, pepper, mustard, garlic, shallots, curry, etc., which can promote blood circulation. When using normal diet, mix with food, such as fried noodles and fried rice noodles, add some chili sauce; drink Add more pepper to the soup; when you eat dumplings, with a bowl of hot and sour soup, you can eat a lot of spices invisibly.

Regularly eat warm food such as ginseng tea, ginger duck, longan tea, black sesame, sweet dumplings, etc., winter not only makes the body warm, can achieve the effect of replenishing body, hands and feet can no longer be cold.

There are many drugs in traditional Chinese medicine to improve and prevent cold hands and feet, such as ginseng, Codonopsis, Angelica, Salvia, Beibei, antler, rabbit silk, Bashutian, Yugui, Cistanche, Curculigo, Yuguizi, Guizhi, Ephedra, Dried ginger, pepper, pepper, nutmeg, tofu, etc., whether it is brewing tea, cooking, and cooking, it is enough to eat.

Generally, people who are easy to cold hands and feet can supplement some warm-filled medicated diets such as Siwutang, sesame oil chicken, Shiquandabu soup, etc. to accelerate blood circulation.

Special reminders, people who are easy to cold hands and feet, avoid eating cold food, ice or cold drinks all year round.

Xiaobian suggested that the office workers with cold hands and feet insist on drinking honey and soaked ginseng, which is convenient and effective.

Drink honey. By taking an appropriate amount of honey every day, you can replenish the various elements required by the body and enhance your body immunity. You can choose to nourish and regulate the secret type of honey, such as motherwort honey, longan honey, jujube honey, and nectar. It is best to buy fresh pure honey from the apiary that you know. Most of the honey sold in the market is processed, and it will not be effective after long-term use.

Eat American ginseng. This is a good medicine for qi, which is calm and does not dry. It can be drunk in water alone, especially for ginseng.

Xiaobian Summary: Many people have troubles with cold hands and feet. Xiao Bian suggests that people with cold hands and feet insist on soaking feet. This method works well, but many people are hard to stick to. For health, to make life better, take a little time to bubble feet, it is a kind of enjoyment, why not? If you are afraid that cold is still a normal reaction of the body, then if you are cold to your fingers or toes and even feel numbness or tingling, then you should seek the help of a doctor.

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